Hi, Since reading about heat treatment for mosaic virus in Hippeastrum, I thought I'd try it as a last resort for some affected bulbs I purchased from Thailand (mostly H.reticulatum or reticulatum hybrids). I removed the existing leaves and roots, cut off excess basal plate and used a well-controlled hybridization oven in my lab. I treated 9 small bulbs (largest 4.5 cm diameter) at 56 degrees C for 2 hours. When they sprouted up again there was still some viral pattern, though less, so I retreated them. It required dusting with rooting powder, but 2/3 have new small roots after a month and half are leafing out. There is no sign of mosaic virus so far on the leaves. (I warned my plant biologist colleagues I was doing this, but they did not seem concerned about the soybeans, strawberries, peas or arabidopsis, just joked about barbacued amaryllis). --Ellen C. -- Dr. Ellen Chernoff, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology IUPUI-Biology SL 360 723 W. Michigan St. Indianapolis, IN 46202-5132 317-274-0591