Moisture tolerance of aril irises

clayton3120 clayton3120
Sat, 04 May 2013 19:36:17 PDT
Hi Jane,
 I've grown a few. My fave, which has done fine in the open garden is one
called O-Yez. It gets well drained soil, but out in the open, so no winter
wet protection.

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Jane McGary <>wrote:

> The aril hybrid irises that I've been growing under cover for a
> number of years have taken so well to the freedom of the raised beds
> in my bulb house that they are crowding out other plants. Most of
> them are hybrids between the Oncocyclus and Regelia sections. I'd
> like to move them into the open garden but I don't want to doom them
> to death in the wet winters of the Pacific Northwest. They would be
> dry from about mid-June to late September in a typical year.
> Does anyone have experience growing these plants in a winter-wet
> climate without overhead cover? How well have various cultivars done?
> Some of my favorites are
> ''Thor', 'Cythe', and 'Peresh'.
> Thanks,
> Jane McGary
> Portland, Oregon, USA
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