The addition of the variety 'tubiflora' in the species Oxalis hirta now appears in the Photo Wiki… irta While considered a variety by most, some consider it a subspecies and yet others recognize it as a separate species, O. tubiflora, the name under which it was first accessioned. I have avoided the murky details of the history in the addition but it's possible that a change will be recognized one of these days. The appearance of the flowers, leaves and habit of this variety (ssp., sp., whatever) makes it quite unmistakeable from the species, O. hirta. The reason for 'tubiflora' in the name is that the base of the flower has a long tubular portion in which the petals become fused only after the petals have been formed (Diversity and Evolutionary Biology of Tropical Flowers, Peter K. Endress, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1996). I have grown this plant for years without difficulty. Unlike many other oxalis species here it is usually avoided by birds and most rodents. The bulbs increase gradually in number rather than prolifically as the species tends to do. Andrew Wilson San Diego