Subject: Re: several questions as I am new to the list

Knisely, Jonathan
Wed, 06 Oct 2010 11:03:27 PDT
>About PBX exchanges, I have a ton of Crocosmia "Lucifer" is that too
>pedestrian for PBX? Ledebouria socialis? Various Tulip hybrids? I have
>seen a few PBX and most were species I have no know knowledge of.

Dear Robert (I think that is your name, since the message was unsigned),

        Dell has assured me that even what seems to be the most
common and lowest of bulbs form one garden are eagerly sought from
members in distant gardens.

        I personally would love to get a pile of 'Lucifer" as it has
been only recently that I have had success  (global climate change?)
but the same goes for almost every weed you grow. It is something to
treasure elsewhere.

        Dell will announce it, members will jump and the bulbs find
new happy homes.

      Send them and tempt us            Best            Jim W.

ps Those seeming rarities are some one else's abundance, too.
Dr. James W. Waddick
Although I silently noted the offer of 'Lucifer' as something to look forward to, I have recently been digging out clumps of Ornithogalum umbellatum from my lawn.  It's variously described on the PBS ornithogalum webpage as a "charming species spread all over the Mediterranean basin", and on the PBS 'Legacy Bulbs Nine' webpage thusly: "While many bulbs are persistent, true thug status is often reserved for Ornithogalum umbellatum, which can overrun gardens in a few years."

I was planning on spreading them on the driveway and driving back and forth a few times.  Should I send them to Dell?  Is there really anyone out there who's hankering for O. umbellatum?  A single yes, and I'll send them in (unsmooshed) for distribution.

Jonathan Knisely
Coastal CT  USDA 6a

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