Fall Crocus

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Sat, 16 Oct 2010 16:48:20 PDT
Dear Friends,
	I have been busy with fall meetings involving Iris and 
peonies, it was just today I toured the whole garden and found fall 
crocus starting up.

	Crocus speciosus - one of the most reliable for this climate 
and readily available. The impossible thin floral tube has trouble 
staying up, but even resting on he ground the ethereal color is a 

	Crocus speciosus  alba- same in white, but my clone is 
smaller, but bright white and generally less easy to come by.

	Crocus banaticus -just starting and my favorite.  Only one 
small clump so far, but this is a unique species in the genus and 
more difficult to find than it should be. I just got 2 white flowered 
forms to add to my light and darker purple forms, but none of these 
have bloomed yet.  Blooms in the shadiest spots here.

	These are my primary fall crocus plus..

	Crocus sativus or Saffron. We have upwards of 100 bulbs in 
the ground, but they don't all bloom every year. We try to harvest 
all the stamens and usually manage to parse out saffron for a few 
dishes. It is a terrific aroma drying in a small dish on the kitchen 
table. Really should acquire a few more bulbs every year as there is 
no way anyone could have too many Is there?

	These are my mainstay reliable fall blooming crocus. Anyone else?

		Best	Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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