The bulbs which perennialize

Thu, 30 Sep 2010 21:35:16 PDT
Hello Lee:
Thanks for your reply.

I have also try the nurseries in Florida and Hawaii where might have more 
bulbs which adapt to Taiwan. (I have also tried the bay area and Texas)
But most of offer are ginger and banana families. Some of them are already 
common in Taiwan but not widly cultivated.(Maybe there are many other 
plants to be choose from)
(Some of the lousiana iris seems to happy in the ground in Taiwan, but 
Japanese iris don't.)

Afet found the list which should be the static of flower bulbs in 
If some commercially varieties are wildly grown in an area, should these 
are more adapted to the area? or more vigor?
I just wonder that if the species or varieties which are not easy to grown 
in oceanic climate, will them still suitable to warmer climate. 

By the way, if there are the perennial bulbs list for Italy and south 

Fierycloud, Taiwan

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