Fall Crocus

Russell Stafford, Odyssey Bulbs odysseybulbs@earthlink.net
Thu, 21 Oct 2010 15:06:21 PDT
True, southern Greece is considerably damper than southern 
California.  On the other hand southern Greece is considerably drier 
than Northwest Oregon.

If Jim Waddick hadn't successfully grown Crocus goulimyi in his 
former garden, I'd guess that Kansas City's heat and humidity were 
the cause of its failure in his current garden.  Maybe his erstwhile 
garden had more porous soil?

Snow cover is inconsistent in central Massachusetts, although my 
flats (whose main function is indeed to exclude hungry rodents) do 
get a thin blanket of pine needles or leaves.  Snow cover is also 
inconsistent in Madison, Wisconsin, where C. goulimyi winters, 
according to a reliable source.

Sometimes plants are a mystery.


At 02:21 PM 10/21/2010, you wrote:

On the contrary, Crocus goulimyi is native to the Peloponnese, where 
winters are mild and damp. It usually is seen in very rocky, poor, 
limestone soils. Possibly Russell's plants have snow cover during 
cold periods, or the flats protect them from burrowing rodents. It 
does well in the bulbs frames for me, but voles may have destroyed it 
in the garden.

Russell Stafford
Odyssey Bulbs
PO Box 382
South Lancaster, MA  01561

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