Titanotrichum; was RE: perennial bulbs

Fierycloud fierycloud2002@yahoo.com.tw
Sun, 03 Oct 2010 21:38:54 PDT
Hello Jim:
I have never grow it.
I prefer the geophyte which is radial symmetry from top. (Both leaves and 
But there are discussions about it in several forums of of plant in Taiwan.

The native bulbs which I had grown are Lilium and Lycoris, and some aroids. 
(I also have try the gingers and banana family but most of them them 
should not be native to Taiwan.)
The Formosa lilies are easy to get virus, and get strange line flower 
And the speciosum and lycoris does not perform well in my house. They may 
more adapt to the North east winter rain and cool area of Taiwan. 
(They seems to bloom not reliably in the middle and south of Taiwan 
lower-lands where winter is dry and warm even hot. But perform better in 
the field and where are less buildings. Maybe for the cooler night 

Some of the native aroids are not suitable to my house, while 1 do 
propagating but do have a dormancy  in a 1 year interval in my house.


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