Jim Waddick asked, >Dear friends, > > Does anyone grow or can anyone recommend U. undulata? > There's a picture on the wiki from Jane McG. Has it ever bloomed for you? > > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… I got this as a plant from Monocot Nursery. It flowered for me a couple of times in an unheated bulb frame. The flowers, which appear in fall, are numerous but very small, and white, on a stem about 20 cm/8 inches tall. They didn't last long, either. I'm sorry but I can't remember if it survived to be moved this summer. Also, I don't know whether its new name is Drimia undulata or whether it has some other new name. The bulbs survived 20 degrees F but the foliage was destroyed. Jane McGary Portland, Oregon, USA