Dear Friends, I was searching a bit of info about this old Hippeastrum hybrid, but there's a bit of confusion around. According do Veronica M. Read in her book, H. x acramannii should be a cross of H. aulicum var. platypetalum x H. psittacinum. I don’t know how many people are familiar with this hybrid, the one I got under this name from an UK nursery is a rather curious plant indeed, because it grows on a totally winter cycle in my climate, flowering in September from bare bulbs and pushing leaves just after flowering are grow all winter, to enter a summer dormancy in late May, just like if it was Amaryllis belladonna ! The flowers are or a vivid shining red-orange colour, 2 per stalk, pointing rather upward and they are even scented, quite rare in Hippeastrum. Another old named hybrid is H. x ackermannii, said to be a cross of H. aulicum x H. 'Johnsonii'. Indeed Veronica Read mentions an H. x acramannii 'Pulcherrima' as a cross of H. aulicum x H. 'Johnsonii', so the first question is if the name “ackermanii” is correct or a misspelling of “acramannii” or if this “ acramannii ‘Pulcherrima’” has been renamed. Tony Avent used to have this hybrid in his catalogue and the photo showed plants with red and white flowers, with blooming time in late spring if I well remember. I did get a bulb of this from PDN but it hasn’t flowered for me so far. Years ago I made myself this cross and the result is rather different. My plant flowers in mid August, an odd time for any Hippeastrum but it makes sense considering the flowering times of the parents (respectively December and May in my area) and has also a summer rest, as is does H. aulicum, but it remains evergreen. New leaves are produced just together the flower stalks. I have added photos and texts in the Hippeastrum hybrid page on the PBS Wiki, together with my first H. aulicum x papilio hybrid. Waiting fo your comments Best wishes and HNY ! Angelo Porcelli Apulia - Southern Italy Alice body {margin:///0;padding:0/;} #footer { height:///13px/; font-size:///11px/; font-family:///Arial/, FreeSans, sans-serif; color:#ADADAD; margin:0; padding:///7px/ 12px; text-align:///right/; border-top:///1px/ solid #dcdcdc; } #footer a { text-decoration:///none/; color:#ADADAD; } #footer a:hover { color:#848484; } Inviato dalla nuova Alice mail