Of course Jane Mcgary is right. I had forgot Galanthus fosteri. G. troyanus might be another species but I have no experience with this one as yet. There well may be others. G. gracilis I have only ever seen in the wild in ephemeral melt water streams in sometimes quite deep water! This is sometimes recommended for drier spots in gardens... I have found G.rizehensis in quite thin chalk soils in dry wooded valleys growing with Ruscus aculeatus under Cornus mas mostly. But you could not call this situation really hot.There is always a humusy soil under the small trees. Any way the season here is well underway with various selections of G.elwesii heimale group, G.'Faringdon Double', 'Fieldgate Prelude', 'Remember,Remember' still going strong,selections of G.byzantinus and even the autumnale G.reginae-olgae cv's 'Cambridge' and Tileburn Jamie' still looking presentable after two months and more of flowering! And of course G.cilicicus. Winter never looks sad with snowdrops! Kind regards, Mark > Message du 21/12/10 18:38 > De : "Jane McGary" > A : "Pacific Bulb Society" > Copie à : > Objet : Re: [pbs] Snowdrops in the green > " > I've read that G. fosteri also tolerates summer drought, and it did > well in an unirrigated part of my former garden, where there is > little or no summer rainfall. > > Jane McGary > Portland, Oregon, USA" > > > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > pbs@lists.ibiblio.org > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/ >