Hi, I've added some photos to the wiki of Eriospermum corymbosum, a tiny plant we viewed on Cameron's Eastern Cape tour last January. It was raining which made taking photos tricky. We had seen a photo of this plant in the place we were staying and were eager to find it. We found only leaves until Rachel Saunders discovered one in bud. I know some of you are traveling with Cameron again in January so if you go to the same place, please look for this plant so we can have a photo for the wiki with it in bloom. <http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/…> The SANBI checklist lists 104 species of this genus, but there is really very little about it on the Internet. There appears to be a lot of variation in species which makes it an interesting genus, but since there doesn't seem to be much of a fan club, perhaps there are a lot of "collector's plants" included. Are members of this list growing any of these? It would be nice to have more of them pictured on the wiki. Mary Sue