I think that John Grimshaws theory as already said works well for him and other people prepared not to dry off the bulbs too much. As mentioned before certain species and cultivars do ok as "dry" packed and other don't do so well. But surely a bit of not too dry peat or other inert substance in the bag with them is a great aid? Other than Galanthus cilicicus and G.peshmenii I can't offhand think of any snowdrop that really experiences significant drought and heat in summer. The very fact that they don't grow in the freeze free areas of the world surely means something? Even the much touted G. reginae-olgae which is always said to prefer warmer conditions in general than G.nivalis grows in Greece in very damp shaded gullies under plane trees etc. along small streams and seepeges. I killed it so many times following that piece of advice! Now I have it thriving and in quite some number in well drained leafy soil in semi shade as I would G.elwesii etc. We galanthophiles traditionally moved our plants in the green because we viewed them in flower at snowdrop lunches where they were promptly shared! Things don't always happen like that these days... But I wonder if all the plants offered at Galas etc. are potted in autumn? No-one there has ever really had problems I think. Elizabeth Strangman had the best technique of all! She greww her bulbs in extremely loose and humus rich soil lined out and so would dig with no root damage and sell and send like that.But then yes snowdrop foliage is always damaged by transit in the post. They always come up again quite happy though I find. I would hate to go around friends collections and even more to have friends go around mine and not share then and there! That is most of the joy. Seasons Greetings to all, Mark