> Does anyone else have trouble getting Eucharis amazonica to flower? > Join the club. I grew a couple species for years and never had a flower. Finally gave them away. Nott that attractive in foliage. I bought a plant of Eucharis amazonica a few years back, from a garden centre, with a dead flower stem. Indoors it grew very well and I split it into 4 plants. 3 flowered, and 2 singles went to my local gardening club in full flower. Over the next year or more no flowers, until now, when the single bulb is in flower. The vigorous clump has none at present. I suspect flowering is part dependant on light/temperature levels, and the right level of feeding, but not sure I can give the formula yet. My plants are currently in a north facing window which with the current very cold winter has a minimum of about 16C that close to the window, but I think warmer and south or west would be better, if I had the space. Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone ~8