Have anyone found the data which have more detail of the perennialing experiment of cornell?

J. Agoston agoston.janos123@gmail.com
Wed, 08 Dec 2010 08:07:07 PST
My university carried out a test, the've planted almost a hundred varieties
of tulips and daffodils in 1994, the arboretum is in Z5, but on a southern
slope of a hill.

Most daffodils do well in the clay soil of the Arboretum, exceptions are the
Tazetta group, like Ziva, Poetaz daffodils do well but they don't provide a
sensational color, example: Soleil D'or, others like Geranium, Cragford,
Silver Chimes are growing very well, altough they are plantd in grass under

From tulips mostly Kaufmanniana, Fosteriana, Greigii hibrids doing well, but
it is influenced by bulb size. They've planted Viridiflora, Parrot tulips in
half shade, 12/+ in 2007, they still doing well, 10/11 sizes had only a few
flowers. Lambada is a nice variety, susceptible to TBV but still flowering
well. Stresa, Fashion, Showwinner, Johann Strauss are performing well, Red
Riding Hood is not Cape Cod, Juan, Purissima, Orange Emperor are also good.
Darwin -hybrids need a sunny spot to perform well, so as Fringed
Lily-flowered and Parrot types. Botanicals are also good, T. tarda,
violacea, turkestanica flowering and propagating well.

Crocus: chrysanthus types are better, especially in rockg garden with Iris
reticulata. Crocus vernus in not performing well after a few years.
Galanthus, Muscari and Allims are naturalizing, while Erythroniums vanish
after 3 years or sooner. Scilla siberica, Chinodoxa, Scilla biflora,
Eranthis cilicica are also doing well.

Of course this is just what i remebered and saw in the garden, there  were
dissertations about perennializing bulbs.


2010/12/8 fierycloud2002 <fierycloud2002@yahoo.com.tw>

> Hello:
> Have anyone found the data which have more detail of the perennialing
> experiment of cornell?
> http://www.flowerbulbs.cornell.edu/index.html
> Though the warmest of the place where they are is USDA zone 7 where are
> still colder than my house, but I think that these data should make me know
> which should be tried first.
> And I would like to know which I try last.
> The experiment only have the name of the best performer, but no the
> remains.
> http://www.flowerbulb.nl/RP/jaarverslag%202003.pdf
> The file have some data of species and specialty bulbs. But I would like to
> know more of the detail result of the other horticulture varieties.
> PS. they seem have a new paper on the Lily perenialization.
> http://flowerbulbs.cornell.edu/landscape/…
> Su-Hong-Ciao
> Taiwan,...where sould be warmer than miami in florida.
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