Want to trade my non bulb seed pod for your bulb pod/bulb/root/corm/tubor/undergroundstorageorgan item thingie

Justin Smith oothal@hotmail.com
Sat, 31 Oct 2009 20:19:38 PDT
Hi all,


I have been working my father hard to get my greenhouse ready for winter. (I don't really work him all that hard) My dad is building a door for my greenhouse so I can get in and out of it easier. I noticed a seed pod on my Euonymus americanus (strawberry bush/bursting heart)  It grows wild here, though not very common. One seed pod that got missed by the hungry animals. I was wondering if anyone in the US would like to trade a bulb or bulb seed for it. Though I have absolutely no idea how to germinate them, I am guessing that they need to be fresh so I am not going to pick it until I find someone to trade with.


I am not looking for any bulb in particular but thought I would offer it up for trade in case someone wanted it.



Woodville, TX 8b/9a
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