well-drained growing medium

Pamela Slate pameladaz@msn.com
Sun, 04 Oct 2009 12:28:15 PDT
Pumice is available here as well and is widely used by hobbyists and commercial
growers.  Here the 3/8”-minus is unwashed and contains fines.  The 5/16” size is
sold clean.  There is also a larger size.  I know commercial growers in Tucson
who swear by including fines in their soil mixes and who say they do so because
it improves the soil texture significantly.  The color of our local pumice is
off white.  Here is the link:

I’ve used all three of these sizes interchangeably in pots, vegetable/herb
garden beds, seed and bulb mixes.  I have no experience with fines settling to
bottoms of pots, Rodger, and your comment makes me wonder how and how much
pumice varies by quarry.  Anyone know?


Pamela Slate
P.O. Box 5316
Carefree  AZ  85377

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