Iris bicapitata

Tue, 27 Oct 2009 12:45:46 PDT
Dear Angelo,
 It just reminded me to contact you to report that the Iris bicapitata you 
gave me a year ago  has flowered last spring and is again in flower since 
early Octobre . When I looked up your writing:
"Iris bicapitata is endemic of Gargano peninsula, the classic form is deep 
violet, the stem is 40cm tall and carries two flowers very scented. Rare 
individuals have other colors, in mixed combination of yellow, white, blue 
but for the moment I haven't propagated them enought to trade. The unique 
feature of this species is that is the only true reblooming bearded Iris I 
have ever seen, it flowers in  October November, till spring," 
It confirms this and might just go on flowering all winter !!This plant is  
quite special. 
Kind greetings
Lauw de Jager 

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