Southern Hemisphere Saffron Crocus bulb sources

Ronald Redding
Wed, 21 Oct 2009 21:17:02 PDT


It just so happens that I was listening to a speach from the Tasmanian Premier yesterday and he was spruiking their growing saffron industry. I will see if there is anymore I can find out however you will probably find it as quickly (more likely faster-being a rocket scientist and all) as me as this is all the info I have at the moment.


If you come to a dead end and would like me to find out anymore for you please let me know.

Kind Regards and Best Wishes Ron Redding Hervey Bay Australia

> From:
> To:
> Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 17:33:52 -0700
> Subject: [pbs] Southern Hemisphere Saffron Crocus bulb sources
> Weird request (but there is so much knowledge residing in this group, 
> I told my friend I'd try asking):
> Does anyone out there know of commercial sources of Saffron Crocus 
> bulbs (Crocus sativus) that are in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, 
> South Africa, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, etc.)? A friend of mine 
> wants to purchase somewhere between 1000 and 10,000 bulbs to plant at 
> a farm in the southern hemisphere and doesn't want to have to attempt 
> switching hemispheres. (Unless the wholesale price of Dutch bulbs is 
> so cheap that, even with losses, it would still be cheaper to do that 
> than buy them from a southern hemisphere source.)
> Thanks,
> --Lee Poulsen
> Pasadena, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a
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