Please forgive a non member from commenting on the PBS Wiki pages content regarding two taxa shown there, I hope the corrections are accepted in the spirit offered. [a] The photograph by David Victor which is shown purporting to be Lilium duchartrei is in fact Lilium lankongense. The latter is sometimes refered to as the "pink Lilium duchartrei". However in terms of accuracy L. duchartrei [sensu strictu] also known as the Marbled Martagon is exclusively white flowered & spotted to varying degrees of purple on the inner half of each tepal. The recently resurfaced plant which flowered here at Auchgourish Botanic Garden for the first time this year appears to be Lilium duchartrei subsp. / var. farreri, also known as Farrer's Martagon, this 'version' gives the impression of being 'on steroids' given that it is so much larger morphologically in several particulars by comparison with the nominate form, whether as a variety or subspecies. The time taken to recover from the shock supposedly having met up with this 'lost' lily left little time to make a proper assessment then given all the other issues demanding attention, something I hope to make good on here during the winter . [b] The photograph by Gerry Danen portraying the 'Leichtlin Lily' is now likely, as I was just getting adjusted to thinking, as requiring to be referred to on the grounds of the International Rules of Botanical Taxonomy under the first validly published date rule as being Lilium maximowiczii var. leichtlinii, being the albino form of Maximowicz's Lily and restricted in distribution to Japan. However this may not now be the case as it has been pointed out by Dr. Marina Baranova in her wonderful and colour illustrated Russian publication 'Lilies' as being perhaps now correctly needing to be known as Lilium pseudotirgrinum Carriere [1867]. Baranova furthermore cites an albino - yellow form as being forma unicolor Hort. (p.249) with further reference by her to a synonym "L. pumilum" which she attributes to " Mc-Re J., (sic) of [1980]". However, as the text is in Russian getting a clear sense of what is meant, despite a native Russian speaker's assistance has proved difficult and I think this must be a mistake. The entry where Gerry Danen has stated, "Lilium maximowiczii, synonymous with Lilium tigrinum ......." is inaccurate. These two taxa are not in anyway synonymous on several grounds including recent cladastic studies. Further more the name Lilium tigrinum, commonly used as it is is a synonym for Lilium lancifolium Thunb. [1794], which latter taxon has its own yellow [albino] form var. flaviflorum (Makino) Stearn as well as forms such as 'flore-pleno' and var. fortunei Standish [1866], as well as the triploid var. splendens Leichtlin ex Van Houtte (1870).The synonym Lilium tigrinum Ker-Gawler [1810] anti-dates Thunberg's name by over twenty years. Regards, Iain -- I am using the free version of SPAMfighter. We are a community of 6 million users fighting spam. SPAMfighter has removed 114387 of my spam emails to date. Get the free SPAMfighter here: The Professional version does not have this message