
Max Withers maxwithers@gmail.com
Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:12:23 PDT
I am no bluebell expert, but I do have a habitat picture I took a few years
ago of a Hyacinthoides I suspect is hispanica -- because the "habitat" is a
yard overgrown with Allium triquetrum and Centranthus ruber, with some
Oxalis pes-caprae for good measure. More to the morphological point, it has
nodding scapes, which I vaguely remember differentiating the English from
the Spanish. I'm happy to upload it to the wiki if someone would confirm the
(Lest the comments there are confusing, I thought the plant was
H.non-scripta at the time).

Max Withers
Oakland, CA

Where Crocus cartwrightianus and sativa are blooming simultaneously this
week. In past years sativus has been a week or so earlier.

From: Mary Sue Ittner <msittner@mcn.org>
> Subject: [pbs] Hyacinthoides lingulata
> ....
> When I was adding this picture to the wiki, I remembered again that
> we don't have any photos of the Hycinthoides weedy species,
> Hyacinthoides hispanica that so many people grow. I don't have time
> to add any pictures for anyone else, but perhaps one of those people
> who understand how the wiki works and have a photo might like to supply
> one?
> Mary Sue

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