Hi all, Back in the spring my brother hauled me off to take pics and while he went tromping down the road I stayed with the car. I saw this glad blooming on the fence line. It was a long way from any house, so I presume the area was once an old home place and it had naturalized there. I was wondering if anybody would know if this is either an old hybrid or one new. The roadway itself dates back to about the 1840's or so when it was used to bring in supplies to Nacogdoches. Though I don't think this variety of glad is anywhere near that old. But it is fun to imagine just when this bulb found it's home here in Texas. Pic of it here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/oothal/4030925870/ For all I know it could have been bought at Wally World last year. There were also clumps of other bulbs that I highly suspect are a Narcissus of some kind. They had already finished blooming. I plan on looking for them next spring and just see what they are. Justin Woodville, Tx 8b/9a _________________________________________________________________ Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/171222985/direct/01/