Group bulb orders

Justin Smith
Sun, 24 May 2009 12:11:48 PDT
Hi all,


What was said:

> From:
> Subject: [pbs] Group bulb orders
> 7. Participants IMMEDIATELY pay their bills to the manager, who must 
> pay the supplier within 30 days.
> It will look like the tricky part is getting the participants to pay 
> immediately. However, in my experience selling bulbs and sending 
> invoices with the shipment, almost everyone pays quickly, and nobody 
> has ever ripped me off. Gardeners are a pretty honest bunch!
> Best regards,
> Jane McGary
> President, Pacific Bulb Society


I like this idea, though item number 7 is the most problematic. I would think that approximate costs could be figured out ahead of time and PREPAID. This would certainly go a long way to making sure everything went smoothly. Then after final costs are calculated then the difference could be paid. It would only take a time or two for costs to get fairly accurate estimates.


Lets face it, any plant material has a risk of confiscation. Due to many factors.


Besides the suppliers I have bought from in Thailand wanted their money up front.


The most important factor though would be the port they went through for inspection. I am totally convinced that the people who work at Houston are not as well trained as in other ports of entry. Twice they have confiscated Brunsvigia seeds as being fruit instead of seed. 



Woodville, TX 



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