Bagging the big five; was RE: Gladiolus tristis

Jim McKenney
Thu, 21 May 2009 06:32:56 PDT
Rogan, I like your choices – those are plants most of us would be proud to
flower. Tecophilaea has flowered here, my Worsleya have years to go before
blooming, my Tropaeolum azureum is balky; I’m not currently growing
Lapageria, but I’m sorely tempted to try again using my protected cold

But that’s only four:  you only listed four, not five. 

That gives me the inspiration to ask the rest of you to jump in and name a
fifth to complete this quintuple crown of horticulture. 

For me, a suitable fifth would be Paramongaea weberbaueri or one of the
forms of Iris persica or some of the fabulous oncocyclus irises or … there
are too many candidates! 

How about the rest of you? For that matter, why not give some other lists of
five trophy plants? 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone
7, where the darkest peony I've ever seen, Hot Chocolate, is about to bloom
beside the yellow-flowered interdivisional hybrid 'Garden Treasure'.

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