was moving the bulb collection - now albuca juncifolia & albuca

Linda Foulis lmf@beautifulblooms.ab.ca
Sun, 31 May 2009 10:55:14 PDT
How are you growing your albuca?  And, what makes you say that it is an interesting looking bulb?

I ask this because - my first albuca grown was from seed purchased from Chilterns in the UK.  It was labeled as A. spiralis.  I've
since germinated and grown A. spiralis and every other albuca I've ever been able to lay my hands on and nothing resembles this
first bulb grown.  The bloom is most definitely an albuca however the bulb resembles a lily bulb with the fleshy layers, the correct
word escapes me now.
How deep do you plant yours and in what mix?
I've got mine in a mix of gravel, sand, compost and perlite and they respond quite well.  I've hoping with the sunnier conditions in
the new house they will actually bloom.  I've got several pots of the juncifolia, each planted at different depths from shoulders
showing to completely covered and it doesn't appear to make a difference.

Linda in Canada

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