Dioscorea help

J. Agoston agoston.janos123@gmail.com
Thu, 07 May 2009 00:59:19 PDT
Dear Dylan,

I have names but I'm quite not sure in the correct identity of the species.
Not this would be the first time to discover that a plant I have is wrongly
identified by the seller. And I also would like to know if they can be
crossed/or if they are allready hybrids.

I have done several hours of research for correcting the names of my plants,
becouse the seller mixed up the varieties, than I have had to discover that
picture selling companies are also mixing up the pictures of plants. I saw
the same picture for 3 different Hyacinthus varieties, and usually
catalogues list only the colour (red, white,...) or nothing for the variety.
And we all know that there are many different shades of reds and whites.

I would like to have a nice, correctly identified collection. But yeah, it
is sometimes quite complicated.


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