Moraea polyanthos

Lauw de Jager
Sat, 16 May 2009 00:22:37 PDT
Deqr all,
I would like to stand up for this Moraea, as I particularly appreciate this
'Homeria' type. It is the  last Moraea of the season here. Indeed the
individual flower does not last very long (here several days), but the
ramified infloresence has at least 20  flowers which open during a period of
2-3 weeks. I have to add that they are planted in the ground under 35% shade
and have sufficient humdity to keep them going. I confirm that plenty seed.
is produced which is  collected at the end of the growing period (mid June).
To answer Jim M.question: yes it is very worthwhile plant to grow

Lauw de Jager
Zone 9  (mediterrean climate; with plenty of olive trees)

Le 14/05/09 16:07, « Jim McKenney » <> a écrit :
> I'm wondering if five hours per flower is enough to warrant space in the
> collection. 
Bob  Werra:
M. polyanthos  blooms toward the end of the winter growing moraea season.
With maturity it will produce a number of medium sized light blue ?fragrant?
blossoms  during late afternoon to evening and will repeat every few days
for several weeks. 

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