Wow, learn something new every day.? I did not know there was a summer growing form of Paramongaia, for whatever its worth, the plant at NYBG came from Longwood, I remember checking the accession records.? A summer growing form might be easier to grow as a summer outdoor bulb, dug up (or potted) and brought in, over most of the US, although I wonder if it might want cool night temps in view of its habitat. Hope it becomes more available some day. Didn't think Scilla natalensis would like really cold winters, since the bulb does not go deep, but now I will put some of my bulbs (also unflowered) near the wall at school.? Gladiolus "Atom" has no problems wintering there,and are coming up strong right now. Ernie Tuckahoe NY z6/7?? plantblog:?