Thanks for showing the pic. Seeing the mountains in the background, it is a lot different than I had imagined. I was not aware that I. tasmanica was an alpine species. I guess I will be happy if I can keep them alive until winter when I can provide nice cool growing conditions. Thanks again for posting the pic! Justin > > I visited Bathurst Harbour in Southwest Tasmania in late February > this year ,on a kayaking trip. During this time we climbed Mount > Beattie which overlooks the harbour . Near the top there were > plants of Isophysis tasmania and Blandfordia punicea growing in > conglomerate. I have posted an image below . There were other > plants growing in more conventional situations. > > Its an alpine plant which I am sure would dislike your Texas summers . > > > > Cheers, > > Rob in Tasmania > _________________________________________________________________ Windows Liveā¢: Keep your life in sync.…