I have had a plant of P. weberbaueri for some years now. It flowered a twice when I first got it and not again until this year. Much to my astonishment it also produced a full seedpod. I planted some of these at the end of March, and got about 60% germination, so now have a few rather strong growing seedlings. I have a bit more seed. 1. If anyone has experience with growing this from seed, I'd be interested in knowing if my seedlings are likely to either grow on through the summer, or go dormant and have a risky chance of reappearing next fall. Other cultivation issues would be interesting to hear about too. 2. I am planning to start another small pot of seedlings today, and maybe save a few more for a later attempt. This will still leave me with some extra (not a lot) seed. 3. Anybody who has something interesting to trade and who is willing do do so with the understanding that I cannot guarantee the viability of this seed should contact me off list and soon. Steve Putman