May 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Fri, 01 May 2009 07:20:43 PDT
Ending: Sun, 31 May 2009 19:38:48 PDT
Messages: 189
- Odd Hemerocallis question. Adam Fikso
- Please help ID Thai iris Adam Fikso
- Group bulb orders Adam Fikso
- Calochortus kennedyi Alberto Castillo
- BX 192 Oxalis results Alberto Castillo
- Terminology Test Alberto Castillo
- Thanks Bob for Moraeas Alberto Castillo
- Isophysis tasmanica Alberto Castillo
- Tulipa sprengeri Alberto Castillo
- Paramongaia Alberto Castillo
- Bulb Storage Alberto Castillo
- moving the bulb collection Alberto Castillo
- moving the bulb collection Alberto Castillo
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". Allen Repashy
- pbs Digest, Vol 76, Issue 28 Ann B.
- Terminology Test Arnold Trachtenberg
- Terminology Test Arnold Trachtenberg
- T sprengeri B.J.M. Zonneveld
- pbs Digest, Vol 76, Issue 27 Beth Etscheid
- bulb storage Bob Hoel
- Thanks Bob for Moraeas
- Scilla natalensis in flower Boyce Tankersley
- Scilla natalensis Boyce Tankersley
- Terminology Test
- Terminology Test
- Hemerocallis Question Carlo A. Balistrieri
- Terminology Test Carlo A. Balistrieri
- Gladiolus tristis Chad Schroter
- Slightly off topic, was Dioscorea help Christiaan van Schalkwyk
- Moraea polyanthos Christiaan van Schalkwyk
- Gladiolus tristis and other gladioli Christine Council
- Group bulb orders Cynthia Mueller
- Group bulb orders Cynthia Mueller
- pbs Digest, Vol 76, Issue 28 Cynthia Mueller
- PBS list new web page David Nicholson
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". David Nicholson
- Mystery plant not Tapeinia pumila David Ehrlich
- Bulb Storage David Ehrlich
- Group bulb orders David Ehrlich
- Calochortus kennedyi David Pilling
- PBS list new web page David Pilling
- Pacific BX 203 Dell Sherk
- Bulb Storage Dell Sherk
- Pacific BX 204 Dell Sherk
- pbs Digest, Vol 76, Issue 27 Dell Sherk
- Gesneriad convention Dell Sherk
- Pacific BX 204 Dell Sherk
- Bagging the big five; was RE: Gladiolus tristis
- Please help ID Thai iris Dennis Kramb
- Isophysis tasmanica Dennis Kramb
- Calochortus in Ohio Dennis Kramb
- Please help ID Thai iris Diane Whitehead
- super fast bulbs Diane Whitehead
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". Diane Whitehead
- Calochortus kennedyi Donald Barnett
- Haemanthus deformis Douglas Westfall
- Scadoxus pole-evansii Douglas Westfall
- Haemanthus deformis Douglas Westfall
- Haemanthus deformis Douglas Westfall
- Scadoxus cinnabarinus Douglas Westfall
- moving the bulb collection Eugene Zielinski
- Bulb Storage Fred Biasella
- Looking for Ornitogalum Maculatum gil frank
- Haemanthus deformis Gregg DeChirico
- Acceptable Oxalis Hannon
- Acceptable Oxalis Hannon
- Acceptable Oxalis Hannon
- Dioscorea help Hannon
- Dioscorea help Hannon
- Terminology Test Hannon
- Terminology Test Hannon
- Terminology Test Hannon
- Terminology Test Hannon
- Terminology Test Hannon
- Terminology Test Hannon
- Scadoxus cinnabarinus
- Dioscorea help J. Agoston
- Dioscorea help J. Agoston
- Dioscorea help J. Agoston
- Odd Hemerocallis question. J. Agoston
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". J.E. Shields
- Scadoxus pole-evansii James Waddick
- Scadoxus pole-evansii James Waddick
- Pacific BX 192 - Oxalis results James Waddick
- Help - Iris vartanii James Waddick
- Tulipa sprengeri James Waddick
- Gladiolus tristis James Waddick
- Calochortus kennedyi Jane McGary
- Agenda for discussion Jane McGary
- Help - Iris vartanii Jane McGary
- Terminology Test Jane McGary
- Gladiolus tristis Jane McGary
- Bulb Storage Jane McGary
- PBS Newsletter Jane McGary
- Group bulb orders Jane McGary
- Topic of the Week Jane McGary
- Topic of the Week Jane McGary
- Group bulb orders Jane McGary
- Bulb lists from Penrock and Simply Indigenous Nursery Jane McGary
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". Jane McGary
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". Jane McGary
- Acceptable Oxalis Jim McKenney
- Acceptable Oxalis Jim McKenney
- Acceptable Oxalis Jim McKenney
- Help - Iris vartanii Jim McKenney
- Terminology Test Jim McKenney
- Terminology Test Jim McKenney
- Terminology Test Jim McKenney
- Terminology Test Jim McKenney
- Moraea polyanthos Jim McKenney
- Moraea polyanthos Jim McKenney
- Gladiolus tristis Jim McKenney
- Bagging the big five; was RE: Gladiolus tristis Jim McKenney
- Bagging the big five; was RE: Gladiolus tristis Jim McKenney
- Bagging the big five; was RE: Gladiolus tristis Jim McKenney
- Scilla natalensis in flower Jim McKenney
- Caliifornia week in Maryland Jim McKenney
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". Jim McKenney
- Acceptable Oxalis Joyce Miller
- Hemerocallis Question Judy Glattstein
- Hemerocallis lilio-asphodelis Judy Glattstein
- People - please do not reply to "everyone". Juliet Leigh
- Terminology Test Justin Smith
- Isophysis tasmanica Justin Smith
- Isophysis tasmanica Justin Smith
- Isophysis tasmanica pic viewing Justin Smith
- Isophysis Justin Smith
- Group bulb orders Justin Smith
- Bulb lists from Penrock and Simply Indigenous Nursery Justin Smith
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". Justin Smith
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". Justin Smith
- moving the bulb collection Justin Smith
- Iris magnifica seedlings Kathleen Sayce
- Gladiolus tristis Kathleen Sayce
- Gladiolus tristis Kathleen Sayce
- Suggesting use of a Forum Kathleen Sayce
- Terminology Test Kelly Irvin
- Gladiolus tristis Kelly O'Neill
- What's Blooming Oregon Kenneth Hixson
- Moraea polyanthos Lauw de Jager
- Calochortus kennedyi Lee Poulsen
- Bagging the big five; was RE: Gladiolus tristis Lee Poulsen
- Paramongaia Lee Poulsen
- Calochortus kennedyi Leo A. Martin
- moving the bulb collection Linda Foulis
- was moving the bulb collection - now albuca juncifolia & albuca Linda Foulis
- : Scilla natalensis in flower
- Where to order large roll of copper tape MARK MAZER AND FREDRIKA MAZER
- Calochortus kennedyi Mary E. Gerritsen
- Pacific BX 204 Mary jane
- Calochortus kennedyi Mary Sue Ittner
- Haemanthus deformis Mary Sue Ittner
- PBS list new web page Mary Sue Ittner
- Gladiolus tristis Mary Sue Ittner
- Scilla natalensis in flower Mary Sue Ittner
- Topic of the Week Mary Sue Ittner
- Suggesting use of a Forum was RE: People - please do not reply to "everyone". Mary Sue Ittner
- Isophysis
- Calochortus kennedyi Nhu Nguyen
- Odd Hemerocallis question. P. C. Andrews
- Odd Hemerocallis question. P. C. Andrews
- Bulb Storage Pamela Slate
- moving the bulb collection Pamela Slate
- Pacific BX 204 Patrick Troy
- pbs Digest, Vol 76, Issue 16-Gladiolus tristus Paul Licht
- Scilla natalensis Paul Licht
- Gladiolus tristis and other gladioli
- Paramongaia, lapageria
- Paramongaia, Scilla
- mini Sinningia correction piaba
- Terminology Rhoda and Cameron McMaster
- Isophysis tasmanica Robert Hamilton
- Moraea polyanthos
- Moraea polyanthos
- Gladiolus tristis Rogan Roth
- Bulb lists from Penrock and Simply Indigenous Nursery Roy Herold
- Haemanthus deformis Stephen Putman
- Paramongaia Stephen Putman
- Where to order large roll of copper tape
- Brunsvigia namaquana Tomas Sandberg
- Scadoxus pole-evansii Tomas Sandberg
- Hymenocallis euchardifolia and Caliphruria korsakoffi Tomas Sandberg
- Scadoxus cinnabarinus Tomas Sandberg
- Gladiolus tristis Tony Avent
- Scilla natalensis in flower Tony Avent
- Tulipa sprengeri
- BX192 Oxalis results VicM
- Group bulb orders William Aley
Last message date:Sun, 31 May 2009 19:38:48 PDT
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:37:56 PST