Special Xchange BS 475

Luminita Vollmer via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sat, 05 Jun 2021 12:20:36 PDT
Dear all

We had a large donation of several bulbs and a special xchange is on call.
Due to the size of some of the bulbs, there will be special pricing,
similar to an auction.

Here are the rules:
1. You have to be a PBS member.
2. Send in your request, what bulb you want and the price you are willing
to pay.
3. Each bulb has a minimum listed, the highest bidder will get the biggest
( You have to bid at least the minimum, then the highest first, next high
next bulb, and so on until all are gone)
4. Order any bulbs you want, the number of bulbs available and the size is
also listed.
5. Include your name and post address in the request.
6. I will accept bids for 3 days starting today, Jun 5, 2021 at 3pm CST
until Tue Jun 8, 2021 at 3pm.

Good luck!

The list of bulbs

1. Ornithogalum saundersiae - $5 ( 12 bulbs, Very large)

2. Crinum Mary Ellen Bosquet $12 ( 7 Extra lg, 3 Smaller, but still large)

3. Crinum x herbertii “Schreck” $12.00 - (10 Very large)

4. Amaryllis Belladonna - $8.00 Lg / $7.00 sm ( 6 Extra Large, 3 Sm)

5. Zephyranthes grandiflora - $5.00 (25-30 mature size, lots of small size

6. Ipheion uniflorum Rolf Fiedler - $5.00 (50+, clumps of small bulbs, 4-5
per share)

7. Hippeastrum papillon ( or papilio) - $12  / $14 )( 20 large, 2 humangus)
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