Nomocharis aperta

stephen willson via pbs
Mon, 07 Jun 2021 11:19:12 PDT
Hello Albert - here are some photos of the Meconopsis (Lingholm hybrids).  We had some heavy rain last night so they are not at their best, and the rhodies are just past flowering, but they still look great.  (Even better when the sun is shining on them; the blue color then is spectacular.)  Next to the Meconopsis I also have Fritillaria camschatcensis (Chocolate Lily) that has just about finished flowering.  I have also added a photo of Arisaema cosanguineum that I have in the bed with the Nomocharis and Hostas.

If I recall correctly I planted the Meconopsis seeds in the spring of 2019 in a peat-based compost where they were kept moist, cool and shaded.  I planted individual seeds in small 1.25" pots which I later potted-on into larger pots as Meconopsis resent root disturbance.  Their first winter was spent in a cold-frame and then I planted them out in their current location in the spring of 2020.  I also have a couple of M. prattii growing too.  I find all the Meconopsis to be tricky from seed: they cannot dry out; they don't like root disturbance; they like a cool, shady spot; they are the favorite of slugs...  But I have continued to try some more each year, sometimes being luckier and sometimes less-so.  Still, the color of the flowers makes it all worthwhile.


From: pbs <> on behalf of Arnold Trachtenberg via pbs <>
Sent: Monday, June 7, 2021 10:27 AM
To: <>
Cc: Arnold Trachtenberg <>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Nomocharis aperta

Those are great.
Can you post pictures of the Meconopsis.
Can't grow them here in the hot humid Northeast.

-----Original Message-----
From: stephen willson via pbs <>
To: <>
Cc: stephen willson <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 7, 2021 12:42 pm
Subject: [pbs] Nomocharis aperta

I'm posting some pictures of N. aperta (now Lilium aperta) that are flowering for me right now.  These were grown from seed planted three years ago.  I have about ten seedlings that will flower this year, with another eight or so needing a year more.  Flowering stems have between 1 and 5 flower buds.  Some of the bulbs have produced two flowering stalks.  Seed was obtained from Chinese Alpines in early 2018 and sown in flats.  After the seedlings reached a suitable size these were potted-on into Anderson Band pots where they grew until recently in a cold-frame to provide some protection from winter rains.  Some I have now moved to a raised concrete planter that is in a protected location near the house.  The drainage in the planter is very good, so I hope the winter drainage concern will be satisfied.  For me, living in the Pacific Northwest - near the coast and mid-way between Seattle and Vancouver, Canada - they have proven relatively straightforward to grow; on par, say, with L. n
 epalense and mackliniae which also do well here.  From my limited experience they are easier than the other alpine-type lilies I have tried, such as L. henrici, lophophorum and souliei.  I also grow Meconopsis and various Primula species which are flowering well at the moment, so these somewhat tricky plants do well for me in my location.  It is a pity that seeds are so rarely offered of Nomocharis.  I hope one day to find seeds of N. pardanthina but these are only rarely offered by NARGS and SRGC.  But in the meanwhile I will enjoy these special flowers while they last!

Steve Willson,
Bow, WA Zone 8b
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