Spring in the Algarve

Johannes-Ulrich Urban via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Thu, 10 Jun 2021 05:24:49 PDT
Dear All,

Yesterday I went to the coast to gather some wild flower seed. I did not expect so many flowers as the weather has become hot and the vegetation is now getting into summer dormancy. But in a moister lagoon there were some flowers.

The first picture shows Delphinium gracile, not a geophyte but an annual.

The second picture is of a magnificent field of Ammi visnaga. It was not touched by the cows which had to content with the dried up vegetation. I had to crawl under the electric fence to take the picture. It has a carrot like root.

The third picture is from our garden, Centaurium. It is the last spring flower before everything goes brown and there are places where it gives the land a lovely pink haze. I allow it to self seed into the borders, with some extra water it becomes even more beautiful.

This is the last spring greeting from Portugal for this year as summer is starting...

Bye for now 


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