
R Hansen via pbs
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 16:19:06 PDT
"""Kudos to Robin Hansen, editor of the Bulb Garden, and author Molly Carney
for a great article on Camassia species in the Pacific Northwest. """

Thanks, Kathleen. I just visited the camas patch on Hwy 42. For once my
timing was right on and I was able to collect camas seed, Toxicoscordion
fremontii and Calochortus tolmei seed also. I'm hoping I can sort out
whether this camas is quamash or leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii as both are
supposed to be here. I haven't cleaned the seed yet so don't know if there's
enough to send to the exchange. I've tried keying the camas but have not yet
succeeded to the point of being sure what I'm looking at.

On the opposite side of the road, I'd never before noticed a huge patch of
Eriogonum with white fluffy heads aging pink and bare flower stems, and
clarkia. This particular area seems to be left alone, not sprayed or mowed
and every time I stop to look I find different native wildflowers. I
continue to visit it several times a year.

Robin Hansen
Perfect days of mid-70s and a good breeze
In Southwest Oregon

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