digging up tulip bulbs, preparing and storing them during the winter

Mary Sue Ittner via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 21 Dec 2020 10:32:26 PST
Since Tulips were one of the first bulbs I fell in love with and they 
don't get enough cold in the winter in Northern California to come back 
even though I can give them dry summers, I grow them in pots and store 
them dry over the summer in paper bags in my house, unpotting after the 
leaves die back. Then I prechill them 4-6 weeks before planting, usually 
in December. I don't dust them or pack them in any material and it is 
rare that I have to throw any away when it comes time to pot them. Since 
I've been doing this for probably 35 years or more I have learned which 
species and hybrids do well with this treatment and flower every year 
for me.

So it seems there are a variety of approaches that work.

Mary Sue

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