Chilean plant guides

Jane McGary via pbs
Mon, 21 Dec 2020 10:05:19 PST
For those who have read my article in the new Bulb Garden and hope to 
get the books mentioned, I just found this in a newsletter from a 
Chilean botanic garden:

Además, queremos compartirles esta buena noticia sobre la venta de 
libros de Flora Nativa de valor ornamental, que pueden solicitar 
mediante correo electrónico directamente a los mails 
<> y 
<>, o bien, mediante compra directa en vivero 
Pumahuida (Carretera Gral San Martin,calle local oriente 7021, Chile, 
Huechuraba. Horario Lunes a viernes 8:30 a 13:30 y Sábados de 8:30 a 12:30).

"Also, we want to share this good news on the sale of the books Flora 
native de valor ornamental, which can be ordered electronically directly 
at the address and, or bought in 
person at the Pumahuida garden center (Carretera Gral San Martin, calle 
local oriente 7021, Huecharaba, Chile, hours etc."

I'm not sure how easy it will be to order these books from a foreign 
country, because in my experience Chilean vendors usually want to be 
paid by electronic funds transfer (not credit card), and the shipping 
cost for books is very high. However, it's great to see that these have 
been reprinted. The volumes available, according to the newsletter, are 
Zona Centro, Zona Norte, and Zona Cordillera (the last is on alpines, 
and larger and more technical than the earlier volumes in the series).

Jane McGary

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