Missing Issues of The Bulb Garden

R Hansen via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 14 Dec 2020 19:18:23 PST
Hello, Everyone,


A member has just written to me about not receiving an issue of The Bulb
Garden. For those of you in Canada, there has been a brief delay of the
current issue but you should receive it momentarily.


It is extremely important that if you think you've missed an issue, you
contact Arnold Trachtenberg at arnold140@verizon.net at your earliest
convenience! Delayed or non-delivery of mail to some areas world-wide has
gradually resolved and is flowing much better now, but there still be some
pockets of concern. If you don't complain, we can't fix the problem. And we
can fix it.


Best regards,


Robin Hansen

President, PBS

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