Iris laviegata in The Bulb Garden and local sprouts and blooms

Pamela Harlow via pbs
Mon, 14 Dec 2020 17:27:47 PST
Iris laevigata 'Variegata' is carefree in Seattle, where I hang the pots
year-round over the rim of a 100 gallon stock tank, submerged approximately
to the soil surface.  The iris provides a nice vertical accent, blooming
before the water lilies fill in fully with summer heat.  I keep white cloud
mountain minnows in the tank in summer to control mosquito larvae, but they
must winter over indoors here.  You could probably keep them outside all

On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 2:45 PM M Gastil-Buhl via pbs <> wrote:

> I just received my copy of The Bulb Garden and now I must find a way to
> grow Iris laviegata!
> Local news: Hesperocallis undulata germinated in only 8 days! Perhaps where
> it grew up it learned to take advantage of moisture without hesitation.
> This is one of those funny looking seeds that sticks a green shoot into the
> soil, pushing the seed out of the soil.
> For those who know my rule of only growing blue flowers, note I have
> expanded now to wiggley leaves too, especially blue-grey ruffley leaves
> such as my Veltheimia capensis is putting out more than any prior year.
> The Lachenalia viridiflora I originally received in PBS BX 339 #16 from
> Arnold Trachtenberg is blooming jewels of translucent turquoise.
> Most of my seed pots show no sprouts yet except the above mentioned and
> Moraea setifolia (22 days). I worry I may have let it dry out one day, or
> wetted too much another day, or placed too thick a layer of sand, or it is
> too hot in the day or too cold at night... But I go thru that every time
> and it makes the eventual signs of germination that much more exciting.
> This year's sowing got off to a rocky start because the media refused to
> dampen and I had to concoct a wetting agent from agar agar.
> When I say no other seed has sprouted I of course do not include the
> Boophone seed a friend sent, which germinated in the mail and are making
> leaves with promising twists and wiggles.
> The Scilla madeirensis I received from a BX last year has re-emerged with
> larger leaves (one leaf each) and the same purple spots. And the tiny
> Oxalis I received this year are showing a curious range of leaf shapes
> (which I care about more than blooms since there are no blue Oxalis.)
> Gastil
> Santa Barbara, California
> where we still have had no significant rain since May
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