Lachenalia viridiflora

M Gastil-Buhl via pbs
Sun, 20 Dec 2020 07:40:01 PST
Mine have been the most showy pots in the screenhouse for a while now. (See
scrubbed link below.) I have the spotted-leaved ones, at least most of them
have spots. I had looked up my provenance data for this when I recently
shared some with a local PBS member.

Lachenalia viridiflora
BX 339 #16
donated by Arnold Trachtenberg
originally 6 bulblets received 2013-May-28

I have not observed bees with this species but the Lachenalia orchioides
and that ssp. glaucina both keep bees busy, so much so a beekeeper friend
asked for a pot of them in bloom to lure her swarm home. (Those bloom in
spring when more bees are active so it is not a fair comparison.)

Most interesting about germination happening after bottom heat was applied.
I have not tried that and nearly all my seed pots have no sprouts. May I
ask how much heat (what temperature) and is it constant or a daily
fluctuation? In the open garden soil below where pots of other Lachenalia
species bloomed last year there are abundant volunteer seedlings. Zone 9b
or 10a.

Santa Barbara, California
where we have light frost this morning for the first time in weeks,
and still no rain.
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