Missing Issues of The Bulb Garden and then some

Arnold Trachtenberg via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Tue, 15 Dec 2020 05:43:09 PST
 Dear PBS'ers:
Using Robin comments about mailing the Bulb Garden It's a perfect time for my end of year spiel
The Bulb Gardens were dropped in the mail last Friday and Saturday.
I would give it two weeks from then to declare the piece lost. I think with the holiday mail and recent reported problems with postal delivery it's prudent.

Please email me privately at arnold140@verizon.net to get a replacement copy.

Also it's a great time to renew you membership and pay those old B X payments.  Anyone who is unsure about arrears can contact me privately at the email address above.
With the holiday season upon us it's a good idea to sit back and be thankful.
 I look forward to the 22nd of Dec. for that means the days are lengthening here in the Northern Hemisphere.

I also would like to thank all of you for the notes and cards I get with payments they are truly appreciated.
With warm regards,
Arnold TrachtenbergTreasurer, PBS

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