fall flowering Amaryllid seed

Mary Sue Ittner via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Wed, 30 Dec 2020 13:18:10 PST
I hope that the PBS board will reconsider a way to offer the seed of 
fall flowering Amaryllids from South Africa that have recalcitrant 
fleshy seed that shouldn't wait for a spring BX. There must be a number 
of us who would contribute. Since I don't want  to grow more and hate to 
see seed that someone else might want be thrown away I am offering some 
of mine that I recently harvested. This seed is only available to people 
living in the United States and it probably should be people who aren't 
living where it is really cold since I don't know how much protection 
the US postal service would provide.  Requests should be sent privately. 
Email me at mailto:msittner@mcn.org and include your address.

I don't have a lot of seeds since the seed is from individual pots so if 
I get a lot of requests I might have to use a lottery (however, it 
wouldn't hurt to explain why if you request seed, you should get it as 
that could influence me.) I have seed of Nerine sarniensis (I think it 
is from the ones with the attached photos, but I didn't  hand pollinate 
them and more than one was in flower), Strumaria discifera ssp. 
bulbifera (just a few seeds), and Hessea mathewsii. The last one is 
classified as Critically Endangered (CR) on the South African Red List, 
but isn't hard to grow. A couple of the flowers this year had more than 
six tepals like the one in the photo.

Mary Sue

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