Keeping Tulips from Year to year: Was: new member question

Judy Glattstein via pbs
Sun, 20 Dec 2020 14:45:13 PST
Randy, let me warn you that mice (and other rodents) find tulip bulbs to 
be a delicious addition to the menu. Unless your garage / crawl space is 
vermin proof there will be damage to stored tulip bulbs.

In nature wild species of tulips are commonly found growing with very 
dry summer conditions. Initiation of root primordia in autumn is  from 
moisture stored within the bulb, before autumn rains. Summer watering in 
a garden confuses the bulbs and the result - a single large "rabbit ear" 
leaf and no flowers the following spring.

Arnold's suggestion of species tulips is a very good one. Greigii and 
Kaufmanniana hybrids - earlier into flower, shorter growing than the 
Darwin / Triumph hybrids - also tend to be more reliable. Good drainage, 
full sun, very little summer water are important.

also in New Jersey, over by the Delaware River

On 12/20/2020 5:24 PM, Arnold Trachtenberg via pbs wrote:
> Randy
> Welcome to the Pacific Bulb Society.
> Your new member packet is on the way to you.
> All good questions.
> I grow here in N. New Jersey only a few species tulips .
> I have found that the hybrids don't last very long and get the 'dwindles'.
> I know in Holland on a commercial scale tulips are lifted as soon as the foliage ripens and stored under specific climatic conditions.
> I can't give you the details, but maybe there is someone who knows more about this.
> I grow two or three species which have returned every year with out fail.
> Tulipa ferganica, Tulipa tarda and Tulipa altaica.  They are all found in the Tien Shan region of China which may attribute to their success here.
> They are all very similar yellow with some color and the reverse of the petals.
> Good luck with your project
> ArnoldNew Jersey
> -----Original Message-----
> From: RANDALL C CARMEN G Miller <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sun, Dec 20, 2020 1:50 pm
> Subject: new member question
>   <!--#yiv0638522148 _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv0638522148 #yiv0638522148 p.yiv0638522148MsoNormal, #yiv0638522148 li.yiv0638522148MsoNormal, #yiv0638522148 div.yiv0638522148MsoNormal {0in;font-size:11.0pt;font-family:"Calibri/", sans-serif;}#yiv0638522148 a:link, #yiv0638522148 span.yiv0638522148MsoHyperlink {blue;text-decoration:underline;}/#yiv0638522148 p.yiv0638522148MsoListParagraph, #yiv0638522148 li.yiv0638522148MsoListParagraph, #yiv0638522148 div.yiv0638522148MsoListParagraph {0in;margin-right:0in;margin-bottom:0in;margin-left…", sans-serif;}#yiv0638522148 .yiv0638522148MsoChpDefault {} _filtered {}#yiv0638522148 div.yiv0638522148WordSection1 {}#yiv0638522148 _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {} _filtered {}#yiv0638522148 ol {margin-bottom:///0in;}/#yiv0638522148 ul {margin-bottom:///0in;}--/>My name is Randy Miller and I live in Boise, Idaho.  My phone number is 208-562-1110.I joined the Pacific Bulb Society early this morning and tried to find relative comments or answers to some questions I have with very limited success.I planted app. 300 tulip bulbs last fall in ground planted with strawberries and other ground cover plants which are watered during the growing season.  I plan to take them up after the foliage dies to avoid losing bulbs to rotting during the summer.My questions are as follows:
>     - I plan to cut the flower stem after the flower fades, remove the leaves when they turn yellow and retrieve the bulb.  How much stem should I leave attached to the bulb?
>     - Should I wash off the bulbs and let them dry on paper or other material or is it better to let the dirt dry and brush it off before packaging them for storage?
>     - I am considering placing the bulbs in paper bags wrapped in paper or use sawdust, wood shavings, or vermiculite to separate the bulbs.  Is this a good solution or is there a better way?
>     - I then plan to place the paper bags in boxes with holes cut in them for ventilation.  How good is this approach?
>     - I plan to store the bulbs in the garage or the crawl space.  The garage is insulated but the roll up door is left open for much of the day during the summer.  Which of these places would be best?
>     - I also will be planting gladiolas and dahlias this coming spring and have some similar questions.
> It would be very nice if someone with some knowledge and interest could telephone me to talk about tulips and even other bulbs and or tubers.  I navigate the computer with questionable results but I welcome comments any way I can get them.Thank you for you’r organization and anything you can do to further my education.Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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