Latest Edition of the Bulb Garden

R Hansen via pbs
Wed, 09 Dec 2020 09:21:31 PST
Good Morning,


Coming very soon to your mailbox is the latest edition of the Bulb Garden.
Overseas copies have been mailed and North American copies will be in the
mail today or tomorrow.


You'll read about some nifty bulbs in Chile, from Jane McGary's latest trip,
and Dan Fetty has written about Iris laviegata, the pond iris. Since ponds
were discussed in some detail on the PBS list, I hope this will be of
interest to anyone who has a pond, wants a pond or gets creative and makes a
container pond.


Then there are those of us who are still in thinking mode, trying to decide
how to have water in the garden, but not sure where or what we want.


Happy Holidays to you all. Stay safe.


Robin Hansen

Editor, The PBS Bulb Garden

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