Hi Cynthia, Your "Secret Plant Society" message made me smile. I'm actually a member of that secret plant society (and Dell and probably a dozen of other people on this list). The society does conduct its business behind a password-protected "membership zone" but they do have an open list just like this one. They have a newsletter and a journal that publishes more comprehensive material from their society but not at the research level. They have their annual Convention held around the US, and conduct seed exchanges to membership around the world. They're able to do this because they have a modest number of people growing these plants and pay to the membership. Why did I say so much about the Gesneriad society? Well, it's not really about the society as much as it is about the plants themselves. Generiads are great plants for when you live in cold places and need a splash of colors during those very long winter months. I found that I lusted for geophytes when I moved to Minnesota for 2 years. I discovered that many New World gesneriads are great geophytes and even fit the the most strict definition of a geophyte. I have been slowly populating our wiki entries with this group - check them out. Gesneriad material appear on our Seed/Bulb exchanges once in a while. http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… Best, Nhu On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 7:02 AM, Cynthia Mueller <cynthiasbulbs@hotmail.com> wrote: > Uli, you might be able to find out through the Gesneriad Society here in > the US, but it will probably be a struggle, as they are organized as an > old- fashioned "Secret Plant Society", with no membership directory > available to the membership. If you can't attend the annual national show, > held in various cities around the US or don't live in a large metropolitan > area back East or in California that has a Chapter, you're just out of luck > in meeting other members or seeing their plants or growing conditions. One > good thing is that past issues of the Gesneriad Society publication are on > the web to view. > > Cynthia W Mueller > > _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net http://lists.pacificbulbsociety.net/cgi-bin/…