Moraea hybrids update

Michael Mace
Sat, 08 Jul 2017 22:29:54 PDT

If you don't like hybrids, please skip ahead to the next message.

I've been hybridizing Moraea species for several years. I just finished posting photos of all the new hybrids from 2017. If you're interested, you can see photos of my favorites from this year here:… 

A few highlights:

--Bumper crop. More than a hundred new crosses bloomed this year, more than double the biggest crop from any previous year.

--Streaks, spots, and pastel blends: There were a lot of vividly marked flowers this year.

--For years I've been trying and failing to make hybrids with Moraea lurida, one of the weirdest-looking Moraeas. My efforts finally paid off this year, with my first successful M. lurida hybrids. They're just as weird as I hoped.

--I've been trying very hard to breed some red flowers, so far without success. But I got a couple of nice pinks this year.

--My favorite new hybrid this year is a soft peach-colored flower with big vivid blue eyes. I think it's hypnotic.

If you're interested in growing Moraeas, I'm happy to share seeds (and corms, if I have any extras). Just drop me a private note at my email address above. I'll ask you to make a donation to PBS so I don't undercut its seed and bulb exchange.

I'm on the hunt for some additional Moraea species. The list is here:…

Any ideas on where to get them?

I'm also very interested in feedback and suggestions from members who have hybridization experience. I'm just an amateur and need all the advice I can get.


San Jose, CA (zone 9, min temp 20F / -7C)

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