I’ve grown lilies for decades in my garden. This year, 3 of my oldest patches had no bulbs emerge. Last year they were all flowering, 5ft stems or more, and vigorous. A horticulturist friend who gardens nearby says he lost a third of his lilies to voles this past winter. So I’m curious to know how others deal with these voracious herbivores. Do those non-poisonous pellets work? Or are predators (cats, dogs), poison baits, or traps the way to keep them somewhat at bay? Flowering now in my garden—the very last of Pacifica Iris, surprisingly late this year, also Crinum x powellii, and the first of the Martagon lilies, In the cold frame, Habranthus robustus, and Zephyranthes La Buffa Rosa, from seeds I got through PBS, one of these from Ina Crossley (thanks, Ina!) years ago. Kathleen PNW coast, zone 8 _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net http://lists.pacificbulbsociety.net/cgi-bin/…