snowdrop bulbs when to plant

Sun, 16 Jul 2017 13:49:46 PDT
The orange trees with snowdrops sound like a beautiful combination! I hope they come back for you.

Here's some hope, the person I received them from said she plants them in full sun, and 'minimal' watering' in Summer.

I'm in SFBay area's version of Mediterranean climate with temps in the high 70s-80s, today supposed to go up to 94F and zero rain for weeks now, till probably October if we are lucky.

Think I'm going to do an experiment since I received 30ish bulbs. I'll put some in pots in shade near the house and water weekly to keep moist. And venture some in the spot I really want them to be in , which is an area with dappled shade but hardly any irrigation. Hopefully both will emerge!

Best regards,

> On Jul 16, 2017, at 10:10 AM, Norman Woollons <> wrote:
> I have followed this thread with some interest and not a little trepidation!
> I live on an island in the Adriatic Sea - the real Mediterranean climate
> and last autumn I planted 300 snowdrop bulbs under orange and mandarin
> trees.  They all came up and I had a nice display in the spring.  I was
> looking forward to them spreading and naturalising...... until I read about
> the damp conditions they need.
> We have had 0.8mm (0.03 of inch) rainfall since mid May.  My soil
> temperature thermocouple, at 5cm depth, albeit in the open, not under the
> trees, was registering +43ºC (110ºF) and the soil is dry as far down as you
> can dig.
> But it was the same last summer and this spring my tulip, allium, crocus
> and other bulbs all flowered.  Most are under trees.
> I will report back next year and tell you what happened to my snowdrops!
> Norman
> -- 
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