Those Box Box Tigridia

Jim McKenney
Sun, 23 Jul 2017 12:25:42 PDT
Here's another idea for winter storage of Tigridia pavonia and other winter dormant bulbs: dig the bulbs, shake off the soil or even wash them, cut off the foliage, and then put the damp bulbs in zip lock plastic bags and place the bags in the vegetable bin of the refrigerator. When you take them out in the spring, the bulbs will be plump and ready to go. The biggest disadvantage of most dry storage methods is that the bulbs have to be rigorously protected from rodents. Rodents love Tigridia! I've never had a rodent in the vegetable bin of the refrigerator.Jim McKenneyMontgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where we're enduring enervating sauna conditions. 

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