voles and bulbs (snakes)

Robin Graham Bell rgb2@cornell.edu
Thu, 20 Jul 2017 13:13:05 PDT
I'm also a big fan of snakes in the garden as well as bird/deer netting. I use the latter to surround all my seed & seedling frames with the principal object of keeping the local 'digger' squirrels out. It works for them, mostly, they can be very determined, but I also had a fawn work its way into one of my enclosures & eat down some dogwood seedlings, so a step but not perfect. This year I have kept a running tally of animals that became entangled but were cut out.....10 gopher snakes, (1 a recapture), 1 racer snake, 1 quail & 1 lizard so far. Biggest gopher snake 4 1/2 feet long. Most a size class down. Unfortunately, I can't tell if the gophers & other critters' numbers are down, but I give the snakes my blessings & release them in the garden. As I do a complete garden tour at least once a day I know little or nothing gets killed in the mesh. Still lose lots of bulbs & other plants, but I have now started surrounding the bulbs with the same plastic mesh when I plant them. We'll se
 e how that works. Need more anti rodent tools. Robin Bell, S. Oregon.

From: pbs <pbs-bounces@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> on behalf of Jo&Greg <sun-coast-pearl@telus.net>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 1:15:22 PM
To: 'Pacific Bulb Society'
Subject: Re: [pbs] voles and bulbs (snakes)

Yes, I imagine in the southeast that could be a problem. Here in the Northwest
there are very few snakes, and I have never seen our garter snakes get caught in
the bird netting... most likely because they don't hunt the birds. The tiny
field mice are as big as they can handle. I keep deer, birds and cats out of my
veggie garden by laying the bird netting out over it, attaching it at several
spots with twist ties on short sticks so it hovers about 6-8 inches off the
ground. The flapping net keeps the birds away. The deer stay away because they
are afraid of tangling their hooves. The local roaming cats are foiled because
there are no birds underneath to hunt, and if they go under the netting it flaps
down on them, so they quickly slink out and do not go back ... in spring, the
occasional fledgling has gotten under it. I've watched as they learn that
flapping up is no good, so hop-hop out from under it. When I want to go into the
garden, I simply undo a few ties, throw back the netting, get what I want, then
"close the gate" again.
        I've also used a modified "roofing" over my day lilies and dahlias and
the deer are totally foiled. Luckily, neither deer nor birds bother my snow
drops, but I've had to keep my tulips in pots up on the porch because they are
pure deer candy. I would welcome more snakes... important garden helpers. We
don't have a vole problem here at 50 degrees N Lat though I don't know about the
south end of the Island where it is a true Mediterranean climate. I'll ask my
friends down there and let you know what they do if they have rampaging voles.
Jo Canning
Vancouver Island
Zone 6B, temperate rainforest

-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [mailto:pbs-bounces@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net] On Behalf Of
Nicholas Plummer
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 9:46 AM
To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
Subject: Re: [pbs] voles and bulbs (snakes)

Good to see someone rescuing snakes instead of killing them.  I have banned bird
netting from my garden, because it is too dangerous for the local serpents.  I'd
rather lose berries to birds than find an entangled snake too late.

re: snakes as rodent control:  We have lots of black rat snakes, black racers,
and copperheads in the garden.  Still have lots of voles, though.

Nick Plummer
North Carolina, USA, zone 7

> On Jul 17, 2017, at 12:24 PM, Jim McKenney <jamesamckenney@verizon.net> wrote:
> http://mcwort.blogspot.com/2009/09/…
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